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"Are you ready to fully embrace your true self and connect to the magic of heaven and earth?"

Welcome! ​​​​​
​Relaxation, self discovery, personal transformation and consciousness expansion through energy healing, intuitive guidance and mindfulness await you
Romain Bester :​​​​​​​​

Energy channel and healer​

Reiki Master ​

(Usui, Karuna Ki, Shambhala)​

Access Bars practitioner​

Mindfulness instructor​​​​

The quality of your life is closely tied to your energy and consciousness levels. These levels are influenced by your surroundings and your connection to your deeper self, as well as the universe.

To help you achieve your goals, I will employ various techniques to address your mind, body, soul, spirit, past, and environmental energies.
My aim is to assist you in releasing unnecessary attachments, contracts, programs, tensions, and negativity that hold you back.
And reconnect you to heaven and earth.


For lasting change, I will encourage and support your personal mindfulness practice, helping you manage stress and anxiety, foster a loving relationship with yourself, and expand your consciousness. This way, you can remain connected to your best self and create the life you truly deserve.



Feel the universal love and light!


Enjoy deep, soothing, and nurturing relaxation along with energy healing for your mind, body, and soul

Access Bars
Energy Clearing Modalities

Experience the ultimate stress and anxiety relief!

Rejuven your mind,

Create room for a brighter consciousness, tranquility, creativity, and positive transformations in your life.

 One on One

Discover how to  manage your thoughts, emotions, concentration

and energy.


Build a balanced life that reflects your true self and aligns with it.



Profound energy cleanse.

Re-align and re-harmonize your inner and outer energies.

Elevate your vibration and embrace a natural state of lightness and ease.

Space cleansing


Align and harmonize

The energies of

Your surroundings:

Home, office, land...

Family constellation

Liberate yourself

Family and relationship
Traumas and dramas.

Embrace your true self,

Take ownership of your life and energy.

Mindfulness opens the gates of perception, leading to yourself.
It brings space, perspectives, understanding, clarity and choice.

Energy work is the catalyst for change.
When combined, mindfulness and energy work connect us to the essence of our being, where all possibilities reside: Consciousness.


"Romain is simply amazing! I have been doing energy work with him and also attending his meditation sessions. I never knew how healing this process could be. In a very short time

I feel peace and freedom that I did not believe was possible. Thank you Romain."

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