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"Your essence is pure light, you are meant to shine!"

Welcome to
Agape Mindfulness & Energy work! 

My name is Romain Bester:
certified energy healer. 

Ultimately, the quality of your life is directly related to your level of energy and consciousness.
Using different modalities to work on your body, mind, spirit, environment and past lives energies.  
I will help you letting go of unnecessary hooks, programs, tensions, heaviness and darkness that impact negatively your energy level and limit your consciousness. 
For long lasting results, I encourage and eventually teach the practice of mindfulness as a way to cultivate a loving relationship to yourself, find answers and continuously expend your consciousness. 
So you can reconnect to your best self and embrace your light, your life.


Deep soothing, nurturing Relaxation


Healing energy

For your mind, body and Soul. 

Access Bars
Energy Clearing Modalities

 Best anxiety relief !

Reset yourself,

Make space for brighter Consciousness, ease, Creativity and positive Changes in your life.

 One on One

Practice Mindfulness

and meditation.

Learn how to manage
Your mind and energy.

Create a harmonious and nurturing life based On who you truly are.



Set free from

Heavy energies, blockages,

Obsolete programs and Karmic debts.

Heal your soul and spirit.

Raise up your vibration.

Access natural state of lightness and ease.

Energy space clearing

Remove heavy energies from

Home, office, land….

Harmonise and raise Up

The energy of

Your environment

Family constellation

Get out of the

Family / relationship

Traumas and dramas.

Be yourself,

Own your energy and Your life.

Mindfulness opens the gates of perception, leading to yourself.
It brings space, perspectives, understanding, clarity and choice.
Energy work is the catalyst for change.
Combined together, mindfulness and energy work bring us to the root of who we are, where everything is possible: Consciousness.


"Romain is simply amazing! I have been doing energy work with him and also attending his meditation sessions. I never knew how healing this process could be. In a very short time

I feel peace and freedom that I did not believe was possible. Thank you Romain."

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